Workshop: "Inside the Black Box of PE Value Creation"
Topic: "Inside the Black Box of PE Value Creation"
Speaker: Dr. Çağatay Bircan - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Time: 7: 00 (GMT+7) – Thursday, February 25, 2021
Zoom Cloud Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84118880050?pwd=R1JGd1ZhVDlDNFpHVHhYKzcrV1FuZz09
Meeting ID: 841 1888 0050
Passcode: 245904
We open up the black box of value creation in private equity with the help of confidential information on value creation plans and their execution. Plans are tailored to each portfolio company’s needs and circumstances, have become more hands-on, and vary with deal type, ownership, growth strategy, and geographic focus. Successful execution is subject to resource constraints, economies of specialization, and diminishing returns, and varies systematically across funds. Successful execution is a key driver of investor returns, especially in growth, buyout, and secondary deals. Company operations and profitability improve in ways consistent with successful execution, even beyond PE funds’ exit.