VFAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Empirical Finance Research Methods, and Finance PhD Programs Opportunities



The Vietnam Finance Association International (VFAI) is proud to present an in-person workshop on "Artificial Intelligence, Empirical Finance Research Methods, and Finance PhD Program Opportunities" at the University of Economics - Ho Chi Minh City on July 1, 2024.

Topics to be covered:

  • Difference-in-differences (DID) approach and its recent development.
  • Using artificial intelligence (AI) for accounting and finance research: Opportunities and challenges.
  • Finance PhD program application process, program structure, funding opportunities, and career prospects.

Speakers and panelists at the event include:

  • Prof. Viet Anh Dang, University of Manchester (UK)

  • Prof. Helen Lu, Vlerick Business School (Belgium)

  • Prof. My Nguyen, RMIT University (Australia)

  • Prof. Nick (Nhut) Nguyen, Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand)

  • Prof. Khoa Phan, University of Massachusetts Lowell (USA)

  • Prof. Vinh Xuan Vo, University of Economics-Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)

The workshop would be particularly useful for finance researchers and potential doctoral students. It is also a great networking opportunity. Attendance is free, but registration is required. Priority will be given to the faculty and researchers from the organizing partners of the VICIF 2024 conference.

Detailed information of the Workshop: here